
AkelPadisabeefyalternativetoWindowsNotepad.It'saninterestinglittleappthatprovidesmanypracticalimprovementsontheWindowsversionbyenhancing ...,2024年3月1日—AkelPad-isanopensourceeditorforplaintext.Itisdesignedtobesmallandfast.FeaturesSinglewindow(SDI),multi-window(MDI)and ...,Installerwithplugins(multi-lingual)(1176Kb).Archivewithoutplugins(englishversion)(250Kb).Archivewithoutplugins(russianver...


AkelPad is a beefy alternative to Windows Notepad. It's an interesting little app that provides many practical improvements on the Windows version by enhancing ...

AkelPad 4.6 Download (Free)

2024年3月1日 — AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be small and fast. Features Single window (SDI), multi-window (MDI) and ...

AkelPad Editor

Installer with plugins (multi-lingual) (1176 Kb). Archive without plugins (english version) (250 Kb). Archive without plugins (russian version) (255 Kb).

AkelPad Editor

AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Features. Single window (SDI), multi-window (MDI) and pseudo ...

AkelPad v4.9.8 繁體中文版

2016年7月19日 — AkelPad is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. Features: Single window (SDI) ...

AkelPad - 取代Windows 記事本的利器 - 伊蜜澤瑞

2016年2月7日 — AkelPad - 取代Windows 記事本的利器不知各位在閱讀或交換純文字文件的時候是否曾有過這些困擾: 有些文件打開後發現換行錯亂,整份文件被.

AkelPad 4.9.8 免安裝中文版

2016年7月19日 — AkelPad - is an open source editor for plain text. It is designed to be a small and fast. - Single window (SDI), multi ...

AkelPad 4.9.4 (64

AkelPad 是個開放原始碼的文字編輯軟體,擁有免費、快速、輕巧等特點。在Unicode 系統(Windows 2000/XP/2003)完整支援Unicode,支援單一視窗開啟模式,或是分頁開啟 ...





AkelPad 4.9.9 小巧文字編輯器

AkelPad 4.9.9 小巧文字編輯器
